In this dramatic monologue for older men from the play, "The Forgotten Solider", Mark speaks to a young man about the costs of war.MARK: They said I was a hero. A hero for surviving, for keeping my men alive. They shook my hand, pinned a medal on my chest, and then sent me home. I think that’s the cruelest part of it all. The sending home. Because they don’t tell you what … [Read more...] about The Forgotten Soldier
Monologues for Men
In this comedic monologue from the play, "Potlucky", Alfred, a socially awkward guy at a community potluck, has some thoughts.ALFRED: So… um… I brought this. A can of cream corn. I know. It’s not homemade or creative or… edible without some extra steps. But, uh, here’s the thing. My oven is broken. And my stove. And my will to live. Also, I don’t really know anyone here. Like, … [Read more...] about Potlucky
The Bridge Is Burning
In this monologue for men from the play, "The Bridge Is Burning", Devon grapples with the memories of his father on a bridge.DEVON: I see my father in my hands, you know? The way they shake when I’m angry, the way they ache from work. It’s like he handed me his life without asking if I wanted it. He used to stand here, right here on this bridge, staring at the water like it had … [Read more...] about The Bridge Is Burning
Manhattan Trap
In this monologue for young men from the play, "Manhattan Trap", Roy confesses his urge to do the wrong things in life.ROY: It's like I've got this, compulsion, or whatever, to do the wrong thing. Ever since I was a kid. Even when I knew what was right—hell, even when I wanted to do what was right—something inside me would twist, like a gear grinding the wrong way, and I'd end … [Read more...] about Manhattan Trap
Unidentified Feelings
In this monologue from the play, "Unidentified Feelings", Jamie speaks at their first alien abduction survivors’ meeting.JAMIE: Hi. My name is Jamie, and... I was abducted. (beat) I don’t know how this usually goes. Do I start with the bright light? The tractor beam? Or the weird questions? It started with this noise. Outside my window. Like... like a chainsaw and a karaoke … [Read more...] about Unidentified Feelings