In this monologue from the play “Rhyme or Reason”, Maddie tries to locate her lost friend, Jenna, by speaking to a festival staff member at the Lost and Found.
MADDIE: Hi! Yeah, so I’m in a bit of a pickle. My friend, Jenna – she’s about yay-high, wearing a shirt that screams ‘I love the 80s’ louder than a boombox – she’s missing. Well, not missing-missing. We just got separated.
(Gestures behind her, portraying the chaos.)
One second we’re at The Retrofuturists, and the next, she’s swallowed by a crowd that looks like a unicorn threw up on it. I tried calling her, but I guess cell signals don’t work here for some reason?
I went to look for her and took a wrong turn at the vegan taco stand and ended up in what I can only describe as a flash mob of interpretive dancers.
I asked for help from this guy who looked super official. Turns out, he was just some dude in a high-visibility vest.
So, I thought maybe you guys could help? Do you do announcements? Something like, “Attention festival-goers: if you see a human disco ball answering to Jenna, please guide her to the help desk where her slightly less sparkly friend is having a minor meltdown.”
Or, I don’t know, do you have like a lost-and-found for people? Like a box of mismatched socks, but with confused festival-goers?
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