In this monologue from the play, “Beyond the Curve”, Brett tells his school guidance counselor what he really thinks of school.
BRETT: School’s a waste of time. How is sitting around for eight hours a day, listening to old people talk, and taking stupid tests supposed to train me for a good life? No one remembers anything they study anyway. In a couple years it’ll all be forgotten, so tell me, what’s the point? It’s just supposed to make us compliant. Make us into perfect little worker bees so we can “contribute to society” and get a job. I don’t want a job. I don’t want to work for anyone else. I don’t want to answer to anyone. That’s why everyone thinks I’m failing. Because my grades are bad. Well guess what, my grades won’t matter in a few years. I’ve got plans for myself. I’ve got ambition. And that’s what my teachers don’t like. The system isn’t built for people who draw outside the lines. I can’t be like everyone else. I can’t sit there and pretend to enjoy wasting years of my life being told I need to conform to their idea of who I should be. I hope you can understand that. Because so far, no one seems to.
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