In this monologue from the play, “Lemon Candy”, Adam confesses to Evie his true feelings.
ADAM: …I like you. More than as a friend. And I’m sorry. When we started hanging out, I didn’t want it to be like this. If I could change how I feel, I would. Because I know what you say next will change both our lives: either we’ll be together, or fade away as friends. I hate the pressure, I hate not knowing. But I’m afraid I’ll hate knowing the answer more than not knowing. Does that make sense? Sorry, I talk a lot when I’m nervous, you… you know this about me. It’s what made me fall in love with you. We could really talk to each other. Be on the same wavelength. I’ve never met someone I could just be myself with more than you. So… do you like me, too?
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