In this monologue from the play, “Outside the Lines”, Don, a man overshadowed by his artist brother’s clear sense of purpose, embarks on a raw and real journey of self-discovery to find his own identity and passion in life.
DON: I don’t know who I am! You always knew who you were. I’m tired of being the reliable one. Is this all my life is supposed to be? You don’t have much money, I know. But you’ve got passion, you’ve got purpose. You can always make money. But what have I got? I’m not talented. Guess that gene skipped me and went right to you.
I was sitting in my cubicle the other day and I got this urge to flip over my desk and march the hell out of there. I can’t take it anymore. What’s it like living on the edge every day? Is it thrilling or exhausting? I’m sick of being afraid. Afraid of regretting my choices. I’ve got to find something worth living for. Cause I know it’s not just a paycheck. I need a purpose. Will you help me? I don’t know anyone who lives like you. Everyone at the office is a zombie. I don’t want to end up like them.
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IMPORTANT NOTE: This is NOT an immediate digital download. This is a ~10 minute play that will be available in approx. 1-3 business days after purchase, and sent to you via email. Thank you for your patience and your support of our work.
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