In this comedic monologue from the play, “Roots”, Kelly is distraught at a recent tragedy.
KELLY (crying): I-don’t-wanna-talk-about-it… I said, I DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT! I can’t believe they died… they all died! My beautiful, wonderful… plants. (Realizing) I’m a murderer. I’m a mass plant murderer. I should go to plant jail. Where they grow vines for bars, you’re forced to eat plant food, and the judge in your case is a mighty oak tree who passes down a life sentence.
My poor fiddle leaf fig… my monstera… my SNAKE PLANT! How do you kill a snake plant?? Those things live forever. You could literally forget about them for months and they’ll survive… but they couldn’t survive me. What kind of monster am I?
Did I talk to them too much? I cried into them so many times when I broke up with Jeremy, I… I thought the tears were watering them. Maybe my salty tears (choking up) KILLED THEM!
What about my cactus? (She rushes over to it) No, no, no! Et tu, cactus? (Drops to her knees) Take me instead! I have wronged the plant kingdom! …Okay maybe I’m being a little dramatic.
I know! I’ll get… a rock garden! I can’t kill a rock! I mean, can I? I guess we’ll find out!
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